Imagine owing your own business, implementing your idea, working in a community, fairness in salary, room for mastery, a new way of working
Based on qipu

Smart working employees
Are motivated by meaning of their work, prefere autonomous teams, share organization aim and are empowered to make it a reality.
Holacracy, flatter organnisation, or autonomous teams drive individual participation by creating transparent and more desirable environment to work in. Such organizations employees respond to changes in the market or customer needs without the need of aproval, decide what roles and tasks to fullfill and get performance feedback by personal accountability.
Programable organisations
A digital organisation that is enhanced by rules encoded as universal, trusted and accesable computer programs thanks to a blockchain.
Technology that enables global organization of autonomous individuals and builds trust by facilitating asynchronous, decentrilized ownership tracking and proccess flows execution in a transparent, tamper-proof manner. Can be used in DAOs or traditionaly incorporated businesses to drive employee / contributor involvement witout the need for corporate servers.
Use Qipu
Smart, programable organization with the click of a button. Backend operating system automating your team and constitution managament.
Qipu provides legaly complient templates to set-up high-performing organization within few minutes, blockchain based transparent and temper-proof runtime environment to execute the elements of constitution you choose. It's your business platform. Drive your team with conditional equity, Set-up holacratic organization, Set commitment rules, reward content creators, and many more...
Augment your bussiness
Chase your Dream
Help Built qipu

Passion for Culture
Validate first, argue after. Things need work to work.

Passion for Technology
Reboot the organisation operating system

Passion for People
Empower teams to become their best